sábado, novembro 17, 2018

My.. mine.. hers

Looking at this freaking huge, empty house is scary. Not scary like "Scary Movie" - I haven't got a dumb serial killer after me hiding behind the curtains - but like drama scary.

A physical emptiness can, may, and most definitively, will have repercussions in one's state of mind. One starts feeling "saudades".
That means that we start missing "when", "where", "why" or even "who", and this is me trying to come back to grammar.

But this time I began thinking about demonstratives. I was thinking about "My" ex-, and realised that these small possessive adjectives are quite difficult to teach. We do not have "adjectivos possessivos" and they always come before nouns. And they give a possessive characteristic to someone or something. But it's still always strange. Was he/she/it ever our possession?
So I jumped to thinking he/she/it was "Mine". Now, here, in this case, we do have possessive pronouns. And we can move them along inside the sentence. But in English they are used to show that something belongs to someone. So the "mother is mine", because they always follow the verb.

And she left because of that.. She was a "personal subject".. She knew she was no one's belongings. She was no object and I wasn't hers.

sexta-feira, novembro 16, 2018


I was going through that new thing in Facebook - "Memories" - and I came across with a very old one. The oddest thing is that when I saw it was from eight years ago, I started thinking of where, when and why and...

Wh- questions are sometimes hard to explain to students learning English as a Second Language. One might think it's easy, but we use it like socks.
Now go and try explain 12/13 year-old kids that where is for places and when is for time and why is reason and who is… who is just who. It's not an easy task.

I think that I was living near Rio Arunca at the time. That would be the WHERE. A place in town that leads us right to the river bank. And I don't mean the one where you save your Money even though that would still be a "where".
It was so many years ago I cannot actually remember. I was younger than I am today. I was dating a girl. I had just dropped university. I wrote something to her and that was actually the "memory". This may be the WHEN. The time I wrote the "memoir".
And the fuckin WHY I wrote the piece of shit just is out of my rememberance. I thought I was in love. Or am sure I was? And needed to let her know that. Why? I wasn't sure of anything and neither was she.

And the years went by. And a memory came to haunt. Are all memories a ghost? They may as well be, but I ain't no Ghostbuster to trap them down and recycle them. I live with those ghosts.. Some I can play with, others I...