sexta-feira, novembro 16, 2018


I was going through that new thing in Facebook - "Memories" - and I came across with a very old one. The oddest thing is that when I saw it was from eight years ago, I started thinking of where, when and why and...

Wh- questions are sometimes hard to explain to students learning English as a Second Language. One might think it's easy, but we use it like socks.
Now go and try explain 12/13 year-old kids that where is for places and when is for time and why is reason and who is… who is just who. It's not an easy task.

I think that I was living near Rio Arunca at the time. That would be the WHERE. A place in town that leads us right to the river bank. And I don't mean the one where you save your Money even though that would still be a "where".
It was so many years ago I cannot actually remember. I was younger than I am today. I was dating a girl. I had just dropped university. I wrote something to her and that was actually the "memory". This may be the WHEN. The time I wrote the "memoir".
And the fuckin WHY I wrote the piece of shit just is out of my rememberance. I thought I was in love. Or am sure I was? And needed to let her know that. Why? I wasn't sure of anything and neither was she.

And the years went by. And a memory came to haunt. Are all memories a ghost? They may as well be, but I ain't no Ghostbuster to trap them down and recycle them. I live with those ghosts.. Some I can play with, others I...

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